A dramatic incident unfolded during President Nana Akufo-Addo’s final State of the Nation Address (SONA) on January 3, 2025, as Colonel Isaac Amponsah, the President’s trusted aide-de-camp, collapsed while standing guard in Parliament.
The collapse occurred moments after President Akufo-Addo began delivering his speech, which outlined the government’s achievements and future plans for Ghana.
Colonel Amponsah, who has been a deep member of the President’s security detail for years, suddenly lost his footing and fell, causing concern among those present.
The swift action of Parliament’s medical team ensured that the situation was managed promptly.
Col. Amponsah received immediate first aid and was swiftly transported to a nearby facility for further medical evaluation.
President Akufo-Addo, visibly shaken by the incident, paused his address to ensure that the Colonel received the necessary attention. The President’s brief interruption, however, did not dampen the significance of the event, which marked the final SONA of his tenure.
Despite the brief disruption, the State of the Nation Address resumed, with President Akufo-Addo highlighting Ghana’s growth and progress under his leadership.
As the President prepares to conclude his term, the health update on Col. Amponsah is awaited.